Monday, October 30, 2006

My New Church Family

We moved from Mill Valley to San Lorenzo, well, almost. We spent last night for the first time at our new house. I slept on a couch, because our bed is still in our Mill Valley. Al and Ken came to the house at 6:30 a.m. We started early to beat the traffic at the toll plaza. We made pretty good time to get to Mill Valley house. Brian was there already. He came last Monday and also this Monday to help us. We loaded our bedroom furniture and computer room stuff, then came back to our SL house around 10:30 a.m. We finished unloading around noon, had a lunch from last night's party. Here is our Fifth Sunday Night gathering. Also we celebrated Al's retirement.

The secret is out. We love to eat.

See what we played. Look we are are singing and dancing, sort of. We sang "deep and wide" with motions. If that counts for dancing. Al is showing us what wide means, "This is Wide"

Can you guess the theme for tonight? Who says Southern Baptist people don't know how to have fun. We just don't get drunk to get a good time.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


We rented U-Haul last Monday, and moved furniture. Brian and Doosan helped from Mill Valley end. When we arrived at San Lorenzo, Ken D, John and Roberta King, Carol, Don, Joy, Lisa, Joy's son Rufus, Don who cuts our lawn, Bob came. Don and Joyce's grandson came to help as well. What a great group to work with. MV house is getting emptied as SL house get filled. I ask why we need so many things. I really enjoyed this empty house.

Spritual Direction -part II

Oct 18th Mercy Center:
As we listen to each other's Holy Ground experience, we are told to pay attention to our inner thoughts, and notice what is happening within us. My partner shared his brother's death last week, his experience of witnessing his brother's passing from this world to the next world, he experienced the presence of Holy spirit, the comforter was with his brother and his family who were at the death bed. Watching his brother leaving this world and embracing the next world was so satisfying because there was such a peace and grace in that place. They all felt that the presence of God. As I listened my partner's story, I felt like I was right with him because the way he shared about his sacred experience. Then he shared another incident when he experienced God. He was walking on the beach one time; there was breeze, and he knew that was the breath of God. I can totally understand what he is talking about. I too had the same experience with breeze. I call it "God's breath experience".

I was going to share about my new church being a holy ground for me, but first I dovetailed on Bill's story of God's breath. I shared my Uganda experience. God's breath, morning breeze that I felt in that morning in banana field in Uganda, I will never forget. That was my encounter with God, my holy ground experience in 1998. I shared with my current holy ground that I saw in my mind tonight.

After we shared our experience with each other, we met in a large group again, then the facilitator asked about our dyad experience. People said "easier to keep going, became sacred as I tell the story, thinking about and telling about the experience made our experience sacred, trust" The activity took only 30 min. The next 30 minutes, the facilitator read Speech Therapist, how she saw God on the face of a handicapped child. She read it, and then asked what happened to the ST. There are so many great comments were made, as always, I learn a lot from my classmates.

Circle of Life
Spiritual direction is to be in God's presence, nothing is excluded, everything is important to God, assurance from God, God manifest himself. When we touch a person deeply, we touch God. When we have relationship with God whse name is "I AM"- it changed to I - thou relationship to I - I relationship. God is interested in my everyday, ordinary affairs. When I am with Him, my ordinary life comes alive. glory of God is human being fully alive.

Art of listening

Listen to others as though the person is speaking his last words. What a great warning or prompting. If I listen to Chris, Zach and Simon in this way, what would be like? We took a dinner break from 6 to 7 p.m. We had fish, salad, and soup. I sat with two other women whom I have known them since the first meeting last year. We convened at 7 p.m and continued with the listening experience. We broke up with a team of three and practiced Spiritual Direction. Frank was the director, I was the directee, and Louise was the observer. I told about my forgetfulness. I forgot totally about the last month homework, and I cannot even remember what was talked about last month. A few times, I had blacked out experience. Bill caught the word "scared" and asked me why I was scared. I was little agitated that I am not scared, but I am frustrated. It was amazing that Frank's question helped me to sort out the feelings of "scared and frustrated". Frank was very comfortable in his role as a director and I felt his empathy toward the directee was the key for me to open up. He listened to me, gave his undivided attention. I knew that because he was leaning forward to hear what I have to say. Louise debriefed and gave some feedback. We met as the small group, Bill, the mentor for our group debriefed about the today's lesson.

I learned a lot. I am so glad that I came.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Spritual Direction -part I

Thursday 18, 2006 at Mercy Center.

I am in a 3 year Spiritual Direction program at Mercy Center
We meet once a month, I am learning so much about myself and God, and my relationship with God. Tonight's topic was Holy Listening. We started out the session by singing "This is Holy ground, We're standing on holy ground, For our God is present and where God is... is holy" Sisters read sacred words by taking turn. In between the readings, we sang Holy Ground. As I get involved in this process of singing and listening to sacred words, I noticed myself that I was calming down and become more centered within a minute time span. As we sang, we were prompted to go to the time and space where we had an encounter with God. We were prompted to reflect on our Holy ground experience.

The text read (Gen 3) was about Moses and his encounter with God. God appeared in burning bushes. What is my burning bush? Moses took off his shoes when he sensed God's presence. Shoes have message and meaning. Taking off shoes has meaning. Moses took off shoes in the presence of God. When and where should I take off my shoes? Am I sensitive enough to know when and where? We struggle to be holy. Knowing when and where to taking off our shoes on the holy ground is not easy. When did I have that experience? I when I am in the presence of God. I am alive.

During the reflection time, I thought about my holy ground. With my surprise, I saw the parking lot of our new church, then the house and church. How cans the parking lot to be my holy ground? I might ask. How the parking lot can be the holy ground. The word "serve and love" Mabel, Ken D, Barbara D, Jane & Al and many members of the church showed up in front of me. Is God saying to me that at this space and time, I serve and love these people? I thought my duty is to reaching out to the lost, but somehow my assignment seems to be different than I expected and imagined. I used to think, "reach and teach" others about who God is the primary importance of my Christian duty.

From the first time we were called to this church, we never ask God why we are here at San Lorenzo, because we know that is what He wanted for us to be at this time. I am just thrilled that he included me in his work; I am so jazzed about our new congregation. God showed me my holy ground where I need to take off my shoes. As I take off my shoes at my house, I think about our church.

Once I saw clearly what is my holy ground is for now, I feel much better about our move. I was blessed tonight how God show my holy ground, where I will meet God everyday. My Holy ground at this time of my life is this place, right in front of me. The place, our church, where I will commune with God.

Monday, October 16, 2006

September CASA Report from Robina

The CASA-Rwanda house is busy as you can see the activities below. Please pray for the House Activity Director, Robina, as you can see her plate is full with many different ministries. I thank God for her faithfulness, creativity and hard work. Please e-mail Robina and encourage her as she toils in the harvest field.

The following numbers are people who are served by the CASA house during the month of Sept. Every morning at 5:30 to 6:30, there is morning devotion at the house every morning except on Sunday, and there is a small prayer closet where people can pray as they fast staying there overnight. The house is busy day and night, and the retreat rooms are booked solid with different Christian student groups. Students and mamas come to the house to get counseling; also pastors and evangelists stay at the house when they come to Butare to preach the Gospel to students.

By Robina

Morning Devotion

1st wk 206 people
2nd wk 107 people
3rd wk 83 people
4th wk 83 people

Prayer Room
1st wk 3 people
2nd wk 2 students
3rd wk 4 students
4th wk 2 students

Student Retreat
1st wk 36 students from GBU
2nd wk 14 students
3rd wk 8 students
4th wk 10 students

MaMa Counseling
1st wk 5 mamas
2nd wk 20 and above for two days seminar on “Lady at
home , Lady in the ministry”
3rd wk 2 mamas
4th wk 4 mamas

Student Counseling
1st wk 45 students due to deliverance service done a
pastor from kigali invited by GBU hosted by CASA 2nd
wk 7 students
3rd wk 4 students
4th wk 3 local people

Student Luncheon
1st wk 5 students
2nd wk 5 students
3rd wk 10 students
4th wk 7 students

Pastor Hosting
1st wk None
2nd wk 4 pastors
3rd wk 3 pastors
4th wk None

Helping Hands
1st wk 1 person
2nd wk 1 person
3rd wk 1 person
4th wk 1 person

Host guests
1st wk 1 pastor from kigali
2nd wk 2 ladies that were teachings the mamas
3rd wk 2 ministers from Mutara
4th wk None

Equipment check-out
1st wk 1 guitar
2nd wk 1 guitar
3rd wk 2 guitars
4th wk Wires microphones for one day.

Schedule activities
1st wk A talk on January Conference
2nd wk Work on the statute and annual report
3rd wk Talk on January conference
4th wk Work on the statute and annual report

Conduct monthly meeting
1st wk Small meeting for CFH Staff with Frank
2nd wk Small meeting with CFH Staff
3rd wk A talk to Pascazia and Scovia
4th wk 1 CASA Staff meeting with pastor Paul and
Pastor Musoni James.

Visit churches/homes
1st wk Visited 2 homes
2nd wk Visited 2 homes and one church
3rd wk Visited 3 homes with 1 church
4th wk 1 home

Robina --House Management
Supervise Pascuzia
1st wk As usual
2nd wk Measuring and sowing the curtains
3rd wk Curtain hanging
4th wk As usual

Supervise Jack
1st wk As accustomed
2nd wk As accustomed
3rd Curtain hanging
4th wk As usual

Maintain inside house
1st wk Bought new cartains
2nd wk As accustomed
3rd wk Curtain hanging
4th wk As usual

Frank --Academic
Schedule classes
Teach classes
Available for students
Visit campus
Frank--Property Mgt
Pay bills-utility/phone/rent
Maintain Library books
Maintain Music Equipment
Maintain Electronic Equipment
Maintain house running

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hectic time

Willi came to visit from Rwanda. He helped us moving to from MV to SL, Chris, Willi, Simon, me worked all day long,packing,loading,unloading. In between, I check e-mail to answer inquiry about the house. Then I read my nephew, Josh's blog about what Not to do when we witness.

There are four aspects of evangelism that many Christians get wrong.

1. The Motive of many Christians for witnessing is simply guilt. They know the Bible tells them to, so every once in a while the guilt builds up enough for them to try to do something about it. Our motive should be compassion. We should be leading people to Jesus because we love them and want them to be saved from their sins. Without this motive, everything we do or say will simply be a clanging symbol.

2. The Goal of evangelism is not to win an argument or prove that you are right. The Goal should simply be conversation. God's love comes through us when we are in a relationship with others; not a competition. People can tell when you just want to win an argument rather than build a relationship.

3. The Perspective we should not have is that our interaction needs to bring a person to salvation. We need to understand that each person is on a Journey. And our job is to help them along. It helps if you picture a scale from -10 to +10, with 0 as salvation. -10 would be absolute hatred for God and +10 would be the best relationship with God that is possible. Now everyone can be charted on this graph. When you encounter a -7, your job is not to get them to 0. It's to get them to -6. That's what the Bible means when is says some sow the seeds, others water them, and still others reap the harvest.

4. The Response that you give to their objections to Christianity needs to be appropriate. There are 3 kinds of barriers to accepting Christ. Emotional, Intellectual, and Volitional. Emotional barriers are caused by bad experiences from church or Christians. Obviously the best way to deal with these is to simply demonstrate love to these people. Giving them statistics and charts won't heal their heart. Intellectual barriers are issues like science versus religion, or logical contradictions. This is where facts and figures can actually help. Someone who thinks that all Christians believe the world was made 6,000 years ago doesn’t need a hug. They need facts. And finally, every person has a Volitional barrier. This is simply a matter of God not having revealed Himself to them yet. There is nothing to do about this except to pray.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Death, changes in job, moving, these are considered to be a cause for a stress in life. We have to rent out our house, pack and move in this month. Chris changed his job. Father passed away. So I could expect why I am little frazzle these days. Moving is going to be little tough for me. Every time I look around our home, I already miss this place. We had a great time in this place. Here is the our house description that we put on Craigslist.

"Two level Marinview home in Tam Valley/Mill Valley. Large cathedral ceiling great room, dining room, hardwood floors, fireplace and a deck from every room. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, upper level: master bedroom, shower, walk-in closet, kitchen, living room, and dining area, Jacuzzi in the back deck. Lower level 2 bedrooms, a small office, kitchenette, with washer dryer in laundry room. Located in scenic Tennessee Valley over looking GGNRA. One month deposit plus cleaning deposit. Credit report required."

I also put some pictures.

Report from Robina

I hope you are doing good.

Here is a short report of this week.


A Ladies two days seminar on the theme of: A lady at
home, a lady in the work of God. It is being given out
by Pastor Peace and Pastor Agnes both from
Kigali.(15th - 16th) and 24 ladies attended.

Medical students association with Ev Galikida from
Nigeria (14th-15th) with a theme: Back to the word.

Morning devotion studying, The authority is mine,
devil I am not afraid of you. By Robin and 28-30 old
people are turning up.


The next step is to check with other laws about the
rules to be followed in modifying the statute. This is
the 7th step out of 9 steps.

Pastor Paul is working on the action plan.


Tomorrow on 16th in the evening there is a meeting
with the GBU leader for futher information and to see
the next step.

Yesterday we met with three students and are willing
to volunteer in CASA when they are free.

One pastor who is the president of CNLS in Rwanda will
be a guest speaker in Jan session and he will
transport himself. He told me that he is willing to
help CASA as he can.


We are fine and pascazia is prayers with her choir for
two days.
jACK Is fine and his wife is helping during the since
pascazia is in prayers.

Be blessed.

Monday, September 25, 2006

New chapter

San Lorenzo church is going to be our home now. We will move to the church parsonage soon. The members of the church are older side, and I fell in love with them immediately. They remind me of mom and dad's friends in Longview. They are kind to each other, seem mature and dedicated Christians. From the first time we visited the church at the end of August, we were so sure that Chris was called to that church. But we didn't want to go faster than God. We followed the schedule that we set up before our Africa mission. We went to downtown FSBC, Nazarene, and CRC, while we visited San Lorenzo three times.

It was a long one month waiting. Every Sunday, I really missed this church. Our body and mind were at other church on each Sunday, but our heart was with this church. Whenever we talked about our ministry, our conversation came to this church. On September 24, 2006, a new chapter of our lives have started. There will be so many characters will be in and out and so many exciting events will capture readers in this chapter. I am so excited how God is working in our lives. In the past 2 years, we prayed, planned, frustrated, disappointed, and bewildered. So many times, I asked God, “why”. Now I understand those “whys”. What a pleasant surprise after the long wait.

I attended the senior Bible Study, and got to know more about the members. The oldest member is 91 years old, and I am the youngest. What I found is that how much energy they have. I truly believe that age is in one's mind. I totally enjoyed being there, and getting to know more about their life stories.

We went for a walk at Chabot Lake after a lunch, while the congregation was conducting a business meeting. When we were there about 20 minutes, Jane called and informed Chris that his is their new pastor. We are so excited about this church, and to see what God is going to do through this congregation.

Chirs gave wonderful sermons; morning one was about the requirement for Christian; there are three things God requires form us: 1. Act justly, 2. Love mercy, 3 Walk
Evening one was about: Roman 1:1; "Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus called to be an apostle. To be an apostle, I need to be a servant to Christ first. Learned about Dulos (Greek word for slave) and Lord relationship.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Winter Mission Trip

Some of you asked me about the winter, 2007 Africa mission. It is going to be a conference. Christian students from Rwanda, Congo, Burundi, and Uganda meet together and share what God is doing in each country, espeically focusing on campus ministry. Right now it is being planned, and once I get more detailed information, I will post here. Pasor Chris will take a mission team to Africa. They will leave on December 28 and come back on January 12th. More details will be posted later. If you would like to see what we did during the Summer 2006 mission, check them out at

Thursday, August 31, 2006



I got this at the prayer mt.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Burundi Visit


Triplets, seperated by birth.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Visiting Immaculate's home.

They may not have many things, but joy and happiness are abunndant. Immaculate's mother raised five daughters and a son by herself. She is a kindergarten teacher. Her children got scholarships, and they are all university educated.

Immaulate's mother and me.

Her house is filled with laughters, I just love to see them interact.

Electricity was out. I don't know how she prepare all these in dark, with coals. Rice, fried sweet potatos, chips, avocado salad, Ugari (Burundi traditional food).

Immaculate sings at her church

Friday, August 04, 2006

Is this goat going to hurt me?


Goat and baby checking out each other.

Mama, a little boy is looking at me!


Do you see how cute you are? A little baby discovered himself.

Visit to Batwa families


Each year, we give 10 goats to Batwa families. Frank buys them at the market on the day we visit them.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I just installed Flock, and testing if this is as easy as it says. 

Beautiful children of Butare

Kids at Ronina's church

NUR professors

NUR professors

Oleg, smile. Miss you all.

Princess of Rwanda

Princess of Rwanda

at Lake Tanganyka

lake tanganyka

This guy is singing about women. if you have a thin woman, she will empty your pocket, if you have a fat woman, she will empty your plate. Something like that.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How many can you remember?


Our Rwandan professors have almost perfect memory. Oleg, can you still remember them all?

Missing You All


I hope you continue to meet as a group, and create a learning community that will support each other. Remember our mantra for three weeks. Education is not "filling" students, but "igniting" fire in them for learning.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dinner at IBIS


Brian at American Embassy in Kigali came down to Butare, and hosted a dinner at IBIS Hotel.

Gift from Batwa family to CASA family


Batwa people make clay pots for living. Nowadays everyone uses plastics,so they lost their jobs. This is a fire pit for cooking. Our Pascuszia uses it for cooking at the CASA house.

Is that me?

She is looking at a photo of her family (I took it last year and brought it with me this year). I wonder this is the first time she sees herself. What would that feel like?

Batwa Family

Batwa Family

I made friends with 10 Batwa families in 2002. Since then I have visited them once a year. This year, they visited me at the CASA house. They are looking at their children's pictures on a computer.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Waiting to take a group picture

Elena, Oleg, and Jarwhar

After the last session of the faculty workshop, we posed to take pictures. Elena and Oleg from Russia teach Physics, and Jawhar from India teaches Information Science. I, from America via South Korea, taught these wonderful professors on "Teaching and Learning with Technology".

Brand new Computer Science building at NUR


There are several professors form India at NUR. They teach computer science or information technology. I met several husband and wife team from India teaching at NUR. I was impressed with the new computer labs in this new building. Computer science students will use the labs, and I hope the rest of the campus community will have access to these labs.

Story Circle


For the Digital Story Telling session, each person wrote a story, and brought their story to the group. Listening Immanuel's story.

Brainstorming session

Group 2
What is Oleg talking about? Faustin and Nadine are listening intently about Oleg's 21st century education in Russia and Rwanda. I am not sure what I am thinking... We suppose to come up with a plan for the NUR Faculty Development Center activities.

Children watching a slideshow on my laptop computer

Children at the morning devotion

Can you belive that little children get up at 5 a.m and come to the CASA house for morning devotion? There are 30 to 40 children come for the service every morning.

Completion of Dr. Craig's seminar


Photo Story


Putting together their group project.

Photo Story


Seventeen professors spent 2 weeks learning how to integrate technology into classrooms. Elena, Rose, Nadine and Immanuel are preparing their photo story.

Music lessons


Children from neighborhood visit CASA house and practice music.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Dinner at Paul's house


We had a dinner at the Pastor Paul's house. Rwandees eat rice, beans, cooked bananas, and some meat to go with the meals. Every meal is the same; chips, rice, bananas, beans.

at Lake Tanganyika


We visited Pastor Jeremy in Burundi. Immaculate was our guide and interpreter.

Drum lesson


Robina showing kids how to play drum

Keyboard class

Keyboard class

On Saturday, students from NUR come to the CASA House and take a music lesson, and computer lessons

Batwa people visit the CASA House


There are ten Batwa families live near Butare. We have become friends since 2002, and we we have visited them once a year. This year, they have visited us at the CASA House with pots they made.

Professors at NUR

Professors at NUR

These are the Faculty members who attended th workshop from July 11 through July 27th. We had a great time together for three weeks. Two professors from each college were represented in the workshop. We covered learning theories and teaching methods during the first week, produced a digital story using Photo Story and Movie Maker during the second week. During the third week, we brainstormed what and how the NUR Faculty Development Center should support professors.

NUR's new rector and vice rector

NUR's new rector and vice rector

I met with the new rector of NUR after the 3-week-long faculty workshop. He is a visionary, and he insists that every faculty member will have to use computer if he/she wants to teach at NUR. He was transferred from KIST in Kigali to NUR. I expect great things from his leadership. The director of Faculty Development Center and also Vice Rector Silias visited the Rector with me.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Weekend in Butare

I tried so many times to upload pictures, but it took forever to load, so I gave up.

I got up at 2:30 in the morning, I can't go back to sleep. I have not heard from Chris since he left Butare. I hope they arrived in US safely. Ted is with Gordon in Uganda, and I hope he is doing Okay too. I have not heard from Gordon. I am doing great here in Butare. It is raining, and people are telling me it is unusual to have rain like this in July.

Sunday, 23--Paul came to pick me up at 8 am to go to his church. I attended the English service and spoke at the KinyaRwandan service. I shared about my experience here in Africa using Mark 10:27. Robina and I went to Oleg's house, Oleg and Elena are professors from Russia and they teach Physics at NUR. George, Emmanual, and Gerald were there too. Robina became a friend with Oleg's daughter, and the daughter was crying for Robina to stay when we left. We had a great time eating Russian food. Chris would loved to eat Elena's cabbage rolls. When I returend home and entered the CASA House gate around 5 p.m, I heard beautiful sining from our house. There were about 25 Batwa women and children were sining at the porch and waiting for us. I recognized most of them. I showed pictures of them from the last year. They were giggling and having a great time looking at themselves. I took more pictures, and this time I made a slideshow on my Mac, and showed it to them. Probably they saw a computer for the first time, as anyone can imagine, they were amazed what they see on the screen. I enjoyed watching them enjoying themselves. They came to pay a visit and express their thanks for goats we gave them. I thank them for coming, and they thank them for goats the CASA team gave them last Wednesday.

Batwas make living by selling clay pots, and they brought four huge pots. All handmade, and very well made. Can you believe that they are selling all for 90 cents? I wish I could take the pots. They are big and very well crafted.

Saturday 22
In the morning, I taught students how to use a digital camera, and showed how to put together a digital story. It took all morning because my microphone didn't work. Went for fiting at a taylor shop in the afternoon. I ordered some pants and skirts, and I am not sure I will wear them in US, but I know I will wear them when I am in Africa.

Talked with Frank about his work with CASA. We came to understand each other. I set up an excel file for Robina and Frank.

Talked to the landload about the bathroom repair. It is going to be a major construction job. We don't know how long it is going to take, in here a construction job can last several years. I hope he will act on it quick. We told him that if he finish the job,then we will give him six month rents. He wants to see the money first, but Robina told him "no". He fix first, then he will have the money. He gave Robina some flowers to put in the garden.

Took Robina, Pascuzia, Charmant, and Skovia out for Chinese dinner. Here in this town, they consider the chinese restaurant as a fancy place. The food was very expensive and wasn't good at all. We waited for two hours, and when the food arrived, it was too salty to eat. We agreed we will not come this place again.

Friday, July 21, 2006

July 21st--DST workshop

We continued to use different tools to develop stories. There is only one scanner at the ICT center, so everyone had to take their turn to use it. I found ImageReady software to use the scanner. Most of them never used a scanner before, so it took some time to learn to use it. These professors are so eager to learn, everything that I show, they want to learn. There is no formal class meeting today. Everyone is doing their own thing. Some people went out to take pictures using my camera, some went to the computer lab to use Photostory, and some scanned their pictures. We suppose to meet between 9 am to noon. But it is 6 p.m now, and there are four professors are still working on their project. Faustin, Emmanual, and Charles are still in the room working on their project.

I met with the Vice Rector Silias this afternoon. The director of the CIT arranged the meeting. We talked about our future plan and he wants me to comeback and help them with curriculum development and evaluation.

I need to write a grant, so I can bring people from US and also I would love to have a faculty development conference. When professors meet together and exchange information, it will be great. I love my work here in NUR. This is the exactly what I like to do during my summer vacation. I need to write about my experience here in Rwanda and publish it.

July 19th

I got up with singing downstairs. Robina is gone to Kigalie with the team. Joseph and Skovia were leading the devotion this morning. Almost the same number of people came. I had breakfast with Skovia, then went to school. One lady made a prayer request that she will go to see her sick father near Burundi. I gave her 5000 franks for her transport. I asked Frank to bring my backpack, I walked to school. It takes only 10 minutes from home to school. When I got there, there were several professors were waiting. We met at the ICT room, they called it a smart room. We used Photo Story 3 to put together a story. There were four groups, and I sent them out to take p for the door to be opened. Today, we will start DST workshop. Some of them already has a digital camera. Chalres’ team worked on NUR research projects, Joanne worked alone on an introduction to NUR, and Elena’s group worked on beautiful scenery of NUR campus.

DST workshop

I showed Jawhar my ilearn site, and told about MOODLE. I can’t believe how bright these people are. He downloaded it, and he useed it already. Now he is going to set up a LMS system, he calls it e-Learn@NUR for the whole university. This semester, he is going to work with selected professors to use the system, then evaluate it before the university adopt it.

I showed my digital story that I made for the first time. Everyone was so excited to produce a digital story.

Faculty Development Workshop

I can’t belive it is time to finish up the seminar. This is the second week of the workshop. The team (Chris, Craig, Ted, Jeanne) left yesterday to ruturn to US. Let me write things happened yesterday. I got up at 5 a.m, the usual time for a morning devotion. There are about 80 people in the CASA living room in this morning, about half of the attendees are children. Robina cheered people to sing, and she is so good at what she does. How anyone can sing and dance at 5 in the morning! Rwandees can do this without any problem. The devotion was done around 7 a.m, then a breakfast at 8. I walked to the university. Jeanne, Craig, Ted went to give goats to Batwa famies and Chris finished packing. I am sad that I would not see Batwa families this year. Every year since 2001, I went to see them. It was so wonderful to see how happy they are with such little gifts that my friends from home provide them. Each year, my friends give me money to buy goats. I understand that Batwa people are discreminated here in Rwanda. Here are some pictures of our team working.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

NUR workshop

Workshop is going very well. There are 20 participants, and they are chosen by their dean. Each College selected two professors, and they are from Teacher prep program, Medicine, Engineering, Computer Science, Arts, etc. I am using the Center for Instructional Technology (CIT) lab. Every college has their own lab, and some are much better equipped than others. I teach in the mornings, and in the afternoon I meet different people on campus. I have 10 sessions, and I give different topic in each session. Today topic was on learning styles. Tomorrow I will talk about LMS and show itec 800 ilearn site. Most of the materials are new to them, and they are fascinated about everything I give them. I am so energized by their attitudes. There are two Russians who are teaching Physics, and one Indian prof who teaches Information Technology. There are quiet a few professors from South Africa. There are several guest lecturers from America. American Embassy give a party for us the other day. One prof from Boston University is teaching video editing class in the Journalism department, and a retired report from New York Times is here to give talk.

Everyone is little distracted here because of Gacaca (Genocide court). When I arrived for my seminar, I found out that some of Rwandese professors had to attend a meeting to discuss how they will carry out judgment. They have done the first phase which they have collected information on the accused, and now the second phase begins. Many people will go to jail. I feel there is tension in the air. The judgment will be carried out for one year, they want it to be quick.

Jean's writing

Here is Jean's writing about what we are doing during the first few days in Rwanda.

Greetings from Africa 7/10/2006
7/09/06 Chris & I attended Pastor Paul’s Assembly of God church for the Sunday morning service. They asked me to speak before Chris gave the message. Chris preached two services, one on trusting Christ & the other on implementing God’s word. They speak Kinyarwandra. I am starting to be able to sing some of their praise songs, most are like our tunes. A college choir sang several songs and did skits. Then a group of young people & college age youth sang, beat the African drum and several young women did a traditional dance to praise the Lord. An interpreter sat next to me and interpreted Pastor Paul’s message. He encouraged the people to put God’s word into actions. In the afternoon we went to the stadium to the “100 Days of Hope” gathering. In Rwanda, in the spring, they started having speakers from America every week Joyce Meyers was here in April. Pictures of her in Rwanda are on her website. This week-end, “Living Faith” a ministry from Portland, with 25 people, was here when we were there. Georgene Rice sang. There were hundreds of people there. Many people, mostly young people, went forward to receive the Lord after the message. Afterwards, we went to Pastor Paul’s home for dinner. We met his 81 year old mother and his 3 sons. His wife is in Belgium for her master’s degree in medicine. She wants to research AIDs. I sat outside in the courtyard with Paul’s mother to watch her and her helpers make a traditional African meal, cooked on three round small charcoal burners on the ground. The food was bought fresh from the market that day, even the live chickens.We had chips (fried potatoes), curried rice, carrots, peas, tomatoes, onions cooked together in one pot, chicken cooked in tomato sauce, green bananas cooked in a fruit sauce, and fresh sliced papaya, passion fruit, pineapple, and bananas for dessert. Before we left they gave us a small, very sweet fresh banana. All the food was bought fresh that day. 7/10/2006 At 3:45 am, country people, women and children, started to gather at the CASA house. At 5:30 am we started a prayer and praise for these people. They have to be in the fields working at daylight and so have to come very early. Robina, a young woman of 27, the director of the house, ministers to them every morning. They are dressed in traditional, brightly colored printed African country dress with a matching headdress. Most have babies tied to their backs. These are women who come to pray before they go to work in the fields and their children go to school. There were around 20 women and 20 children crowded in with us in the sitting room. Robina asked each of us from America to speak a word. I spoke a greeting from America, with an interpreter and encouraged them to trust God for their lives. From 9:30 until 12, I spoke to 15 Mamas (older women). I gave my testimony to God’s faithfulness to me and my children during the time of my husband’s unfaithfulness and my divorce. I am presenting Joyce Meyer’s book, “Beauty from Ashes”. Many women identified to my situation of my husband leaving me for a younger woman, emotionally and spiritually. I asked for prayer requests, most were for situations like mine, health, places to live, money to live and relationships. All people have the same requests regardless of their station in life or where they live. I will be with this group the next four mornings. Brother Chris is teaching different groups, different messages four times each day to university students. Craig Singleton, Dean of Music at the Dominican University in California, is teaching music, guitar to the university students. Sister-in-law Kim met with the deans at University of Rwanda to discuss training of professors on use of computer technology. She has a Fullbright grant this year and will be at the university representing Christ.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Arrived in Butare

Brian and Innocent from US Ambassy met me at the airport. I had an easiest time to go through the immigration desk in my history of visiting here. Joan, Paul, and Frank were there to meet me, I felt like I was so spoiled by getting all these attention. Now I found out that my seminar is a big deal and advertised widely, oops, I hope I am prepared for this. There is a change in administration post at the University, so I didn't know if I could even have a seminar. On Monday there will be an opening ceremony.

Chris, Craig, and Jean were met by Paul and Frank at the border and escorted them to the CASA house. It was 12 hour long bus drive for them from Uganda to Rwanda. They are safe and sound. PTL!

Chris and Jean will go to Paul's church and Craig and I will go to Robina's church today.

Friday, July 07, 2006

London airport

When I arrived in London, Chrs met me, and helped me to move bags from Terminal 3 to Terminal 4. Craig and Jean went to town and did tour of London, and I saw them off to Uganda at 5:30 p.m yesterday, then off to my hotel. I am visiting Andrew and his parents now, and using his computer to check my e-mail. Nick is teaching today, so I don't see him this time.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Family visit

Jeanne came to SF on Saturday. Criag, Jeanne, Chris and I met as a team for the last time before we leave for Africa. Craig left on Sunday to visit his father in Alabama, he will meet Chris in NY. Chris and Jeanne will leave today to NY, then to London. I will meet them in London on 6th, and then we split again. They will go to Butare via Entebe; I will go to Butare via Nairobi. We will be together on 9th in Butare. Everything is in order. Frank e-mailed that the Vice Rector and Fulbright director will come to open the faculty workshop on 11th. I decide to take my Mac computer, and I am not sure how it is going to work with electricity problems in Rwanda.

Frank and Lilia are here to enjoy SF.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Open your mouth big

I didn't ask much, thus I received not. I think I am too practical or perhaps I have too little faith. God is teaching me his way lately. I am experiencing God's principles each day more and more, and I am marveled at how he provides for us. Yesterday during QT time, I was struck by the words, "open your mouth big". I have been praying for digital cameras and a laptop computer to take to Rwanda. Carol, a student of mine brought one camera and today Patrick will bring one in. Guess what, I got a lamp for Paul's projector. It came from the unexpected place.

I am planning to give a hands-on technology workshop, so faculty members can experience meaningful learning as they produce their personal story that is dear to their heart. I found out that there is a new software that is equivalent of iMovie, it is called Photo Story 3. Last night I stayed up till 2:30 a.m, and trying to download the software, but I realized that my laptop is too old for the software. I need a better one. I better believe that God will supply one, because he always has. Chris suggests that we need to take good equipment since we have to hand carry and also we only can take 50 pounds per bag. I guess Chris is suggesting that I open my mouth big, and receive it. I decide to buy two new digital cameras, and I am thinking to get a new laptop as well. My African friends deserve good things as we like to have good things. I better not ask "give me old things you don't use".

Monday, June 26, 2006

Some Kinyarwanda

Some Kinyarwanda words

Imana ishimwe........Praise God are you,

Turabakunda mwese.....We love you all

Imana iragukunda.......God loves you.

Turirimbe......Let us sing.

Dusenge..........let us pray.

Muarakoze---Thank you.

Imana ibahumugisha...........God bless you,

Imana ni nziza........God is good.

Ndabakunda.............I lovue you.

Turarangije.......We have finished.

Murabeho..................Good bye.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Books for CASA Library

Britt came to the house with many books for Robina. Rejection is a common thing in anywhere but in Rwanda and for the girls, it is more severe thing. Robina asked books on that topic, and mentioned the concern. Britt and her husband are donating those books for Robina to teach girls at NUR. PTL. I was strengthed and encouraged by Britt yesterday. Love you, Lord.

Here is a message from Britt to Robina:

Dear robina,
I am very encouraged by your ministry at the college and would like to continue to help you find good resources for your studies with women. I have sent several different books. Many I have done in a biblestudy I lead here, in San Francisco. Kim told me that you were looking particularly for books on rejection, so I focused on that (issues of fear,anxiety, and trust).

Beth Moore is one of the authors I sent. I sent two of her workbooks and accompanying books. You can use the book & workbook with the same title separately or
together. She gets you very deep in the Word and her book called "Breaking Free" is all about allowing the Lord to take away the things that keep us from him, whether it be worry or fear or lack of trust.

I also sent a book on Anxiety (I think a lot of women hold in a lot of anxiety whether it be worry about getting married or not feeling good enough). It's by Linda Dillow who is a missionary with her husband in Eastern Europe. Elisabeth Elliott is another one of my favorite authors. It would be great for you to read about her life. Her husband was killed by natives in South America and she and another women went and lived with the natives after and they all converted to Christianity. I sent a book that she wrote about asking God why..."Why don't I have a husband?", "Why did this happen to me?", "Why do you let bad things happen to people?"... it's good for a new believer or someone struggling to trust in the Lord.

Some of the other books are for your library. I'd like to know what you think about the study books as you go through them. If you like one in particular, we can send more of the same so that a small group of learners can have their own workbook to write in as they study. Also, if you have any questions about the books or how to go about leading the studies, I am more than willing to talk to you about them.

My husband and I are praying for you and your ministry and look forward to receiving news about student's growth in the Lord.

God bless,

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Simon's wedding


simon got married on May 27 in NY. We are very happy parents as you can see. I hope someday Dilia, Simon's bride, will visit Africa. She is a beautiful lady inside and out. We miss you and hope to see you in July.